Corrugated Plate Interceptor
The CPI Oil Separator is an oilwater gravity separator, developed with latest technology is suitable for oily wastewater treatment. CPI Oil Separator enables high efficiency gravity separation with corrugated plates, providing excellent treatability with a high flow rate. The CPI oil separators are designed to remove free oil and solids from effluent water to produce an effluent concentration of 10 mg/l or less of oil droplets, 30 micron and larger of non emulsified, free and dispersed oils by virtue of our coalescing media.At the heart of the oil separator is the Corrugated Plate Interceptor plate pack. The plate pack design minimizes the distance as free oil droplet must rise before coming into contact with other oil droplets. This design ensures that oil droplets coalesce on the undersides of the corrugated plates, facilitating the free oil removal process. The simple structure makes it possible to reduce the construction cost and facilitates maintenance.

Corrugated Plate Interceptor
At the heart of the oil separator is the corrugated plate interceptor (CPI) plate pack. The plate pack design minimizes the distance a free oil droplet must rise before coming into contact with other oil droplets. This design ensures that the oil droplets coalesce on the undersides of the corrugated plates, facilitating the free oil removal process.
Waste water enters the inlet nozzle into an enlarged coalescing section. This coalescing section is where heavier solids and sludge settle out of the waste water to the bottom of the vessel where it is discharged through the clean out nozzle. Waste water then flows through the perforated distribution baffle plate.
After it is evenly dispersed, it flows down through the pack where oil rises to the top of the corrugations and coalesces with other oil droplets. The large oil droplets rise up through the plate pack to the oil/water interface. Coalesced oil will flow over an internally adjustable oil weir and is removed through the oil outlet nozzle. Light solids and sludge separation is simultaneously accomplished within the pack by settling to the bottom of the corrugations where solids are directed to the sludge drain.The flow out of the plate pack travels upward and spills over a fixed water weir, then exits the vessel through the water outlet nozzle for further downstream treatment or disposal.
- Low space requirement
- Very less maintenance, low capital and operation cost.
- High efficiency and capacity combined with compact volume
- Low installation cost since units are mostly prefabricated
- Handles shock loads of flow without affecting effluent quality
- Continuous operation without major down time.
- Insensitive to weather condition, variation in temperature and composition of incoming liquid.
- The corrugated plates are located at short intervals, providing high oil-water separation efficiency.
- The system will operate without any chemical addition./li>
- Up to 50% reduction in installation costs.
- Up to 80% less floor space requirements
- Low maintenance as there are no moving parts
- Lower operation cost, gravity does all the work
- Consistent performance
- Factory tested
- Sold as stand alone
- Integrate with other wastewater products